Friday, May 06, 2005

[Technique] The Aerial

The aerial is a variation of the cartwheel, except you do it without your hands with your head hovering inches above the ground. If you're used to doing cartwheels, then you know that when u do a cartwheel u aim for the floor. When you do an aerial however, you don't. You look straight. It'll seem weird at first, but it is essential u DO NOT dip your head down to the floor when u jump, ALWAYS look straight, otherwise you'll end up with a nasty headache.

Technical steps would be, look straight, kick you back leg as hard as you can while at the same time jump as hard as you can with ur jumping leg and swing it over. Try to swing your arms back and up to help give u more air time. When u jump, do not try to twist your body or you will disrupt your momentum and end up landing short, this is a mistake i used to make earlier on which made me think the aerial was so sooo hard.

As soon as i stopped trying to twist, it went over naturally. Don't try doing an aerial unless u already have a decent cart wheel and feel light on your hands when u plant. Get the basics, then move up.

[Action Photography] Visible Energy

Chi can be seen visibly flowing from the point of impact. You'll need one of em special energy visual picking up camera things to take this picture. Please advise your photographer to stand way way back, we nearly lost ours during this shot. However her dedication gave her the strength to stand her ground while she got blasted by the energy wave......I salute thee.

[Balance] The importance of core strength

Your abdominals, back muscles, hip flexors, and obliques are what give you your core strength. Strengthening these muscles will not only help you generate more power kicks and punches and pull all sorts of weird ass and extremely cool stunts; but they will also help u to pull some very unnatural poses.