Sunday, April 24, 2005

[Action Photography] Flying kick

In the arsenal of kicks, the flying kick is one of the most devastating, with the power to send your opponent flying up up and away. The guy flying away, dreams of being a super hero. He is now one step closer to achieving his dream.


Anonymous said...

lol...impressive...looking forward to more stuff on your capoeira training... come back soon so we can train together!

Anonymous said...

lol, nice FX.

Err, can u try some shots with some capoeira moves while wearing a disco shirt, bellbottom pants, clunky shoes, fancy plastic sunglasses and an Afro wig? :D

Anonymous said...

that would be simply...freaky!
looking for a new mascot?
the ballroom capoeirista!

Ian said...

Hahahaha, you send em over, and i'll be happy to deliver