Sunday, April 24, 2005

[Technique] The back sault

The back sault or back flip is hazardous for your health if you don't know how to do it, or don't have a spotter. Basic steps to doing one, 1) stand and stare at a spot directly in front of you. 2)Keeping your gaze focused on that spot, jump up as high as you can while swinging your arms back and over your head. 3) While in the air, tuck your knees into your chest as fast as you can ( this will give you faster rotation), all the while during rotation you should try and search for the spot you were gazing at initially and you should be looking at it when you land. Once again, don't try this without an experienced spotter. Dedicate your jump and at worst you'll land on your knees, never stall half way, that's when bad things happen =D.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Learn and practice on softgrass, mats,beaches or anything with similar impact absorbtion nature...
it will safe you hell lot of pain .....